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C.S. Osborne Starter Upholstery Kit. A basic home upholstery kit to repair or rebuild a chair or sofa. Excellent for students and hobbyists. Professional packaging pictures all tools. 1 X CS Osborne No. 1011 Magnetic Hammer 1 X CS Osborne No. 255 Webbing Stretcher 1 X CS Osborne No. 201 Tack Claw 1 X CS Osborne No. 501-1/2 3 Curved Needle 3" 1 X CS Osborne No. 501-1/2 6 Curved Needle 6" 1 X CS Osborne No. 504-10 Straight Needle 10" 36 X CS Osborne No. 190 3 Upholstery Pins 3" Long 1 X CS Osborne No. B-1 BOOK Instruction Booklet.

The name C.S. Osborne has been synonymous with quality since its founding in 1826. Generations of leather craftspeople have turned to this trusted line of tools time and time again for professional results on every project.

Now operated by the seventh generation of the Osborne family, this company adheres to proven, age-old quality standards that are evident in every tool. These standards have served leather crafters well throughout the company's history, as proven by the well-loved tool collections we've seen many customers amass through the years.

Key Features:

  • Material: Steel
  • Brand: C.S. Osborne
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Professional packaging pictures all tools.
  • C.S. Osborne Starter Upholstery Kit. A basic home upholstery kit to repair or rebuild a chair or sofa. Excellent for students and hobbyists.
  • 1 X CS Osborne No. 1011 Magnetic Hammer. 1 X CS Osborne No. 255 Webbing Stretcher. 1 X CS Osborne No. 201 Tack Claw. 1 X CS Osborne No. 501-1/2 3 Curved Needle 3". 1 X CS Osborne No. 501-1/2 6 Curved Needle 6". 1 X CS Osborne No. 504-10 Straight Needle 10". 36 X CS Osborne No. 190 3 Upholstery Pins 3" Long. 1 X CS Osborne No. B-1 Book Instruction Booklet
Brand CS Osborne
SKU CSO-14070-HB1
Barcode 787721193715
Weight 1.65 lb
Product Type Upholstery Kit
Collections CS Osborne Tools

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